+* When it finishes, you'll see a white line starting with `Steam>` in the cmd, which means you can close the window now. └ After this, copy the life_server.pbo to > Addons folder and the Altis_ to MPMissions folder. * Now, go back to the ArmA 3 Server folder and create one more folder with named: It should be like this: * Afterwards, create a new folder with the name: and inside this folder, another one with called: Addons * After installing your ArmA 3 server, in the folder where you put steamcmd.exe, go: steamapps > common > Arma 3 Server Step 3: (Installing needed Mods/Mission) obs: steamguardcode is optional, and only for accounts with mobile guard enabled. Steam> login 'steamlogin' 'steampassword' 'steamguardcode' * When it finishes, you'll see a white line starting with "Steam>" in the cmd. * Now, double click on it, and it'll start to set the environment. +* Extract steamcmd to its designated folder you created earlier. `C:\games\steamcmd`) and your Arma 3 Server (e.g. +**For detailed instructions on installing an Arma 3 Server check out the ()** * Extract steamcmd to the folder where you want your ArmA 3 server to be installed. This step is only needed if you don't have the ArmA 3 client already installed, if so, you can use its directory. **Note: If you use MySQL, server version 5.6.5 or higher is required.** * Now, refresh it and you'll see a new database in the left, with the name "AltisLife". It'll open a new tab, then, just select the play button. Be sure to login with the user you intend to use for your Arma 3 Server!
+* Next, install and open HeidiSQL and start a new session.
* Once the password has been changed, go to File > Load SQL File. CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS IDENTIFIED BY 'changeme' * Once the session has been started, open () and edit the string 'changeme' to a password of your choice. Heidi is already installed with MariaDB) and start a new session. * Next, open HeidiSQL (Or MySQL WorkBench, or navicat. * Download MariaDB server, install it and take note of your root login and password. +**Step 1: (Installing MySQL/MariaDB server)**

* () (Only needed if you're running the 64-bit Arma server executable) +* SQL Client of your choice, like () (open source alternative to Navicat, MySQL Workbench among others) +* MySQL Server (Version 5.6.5 or higher) / () (MariaDB is recommended) * MySQL Server / () (MariaDB is recommended) If you're using a version **Requirements: **Note: extDB3 is required for Altis Life RPG v5.0.0 as of commit ().** You can find it already packaged in (), or you can pack it using (). +Before starting, you should have both `life_server`, `life_hc` and `Altis_Life.Altis` packaged as a pbo. Before starting, you should have both life_server and Altis_Life.Altis packaged as a pbo.
Here you'll learn how to setup your own server, in both windows and linux environments. Diff -git a/Setup-Server.md b/Setup-Server.md